[DIY]My first DIY woodwork

Hello, there. 🙂

I want to post about the DIY woodwork today.

I started woodworking back in 2015 since i came to Thailand. My parents were staying in Thailand since 2012, and they were building furniture for their house and restaurant they are running. I saw their workshop and it was almost like a professional. They got orders for custom furniture from their friends.

I had taken the woodworking class when I was in high school, and built the CD stand which is not necessary to have these days. lol. Anyway, while I was making this, I had bad experienced. I cut my finger while trying to use the table saw……. But, fortunately, I did not have any trauma with it, so I could start building my furniture.

Here are my first DIY furniture! 🙂

My first DIY closet

When I arrived at my parents’ house, there were nothing but the bed only. So I decided to make a closet first. There are not many clothes because I planned to visit for few days at that time.

The second furniture that I made is the desk and the bookshelves.

I did not want to buy the new board to make my own, so I just build with left-over materials. But it gives me the desk which is the only one in the world.

For next posts would the furniture that my parents built, so you might be able to feel more professional. 🙂


Please note that all the DIY contents will be revised for the feature of each blog and duplicated on jnpnote.com in English and Korean, sura2012.com in English, Korean, and Thai, and steemit.com/@jisoooh0202 in Korean.