[Learning Git] Start learning

I do not have any knowledge about the programming. I just wanna try to start learning anything, and found out about the Codecademy and started with Learn Git. It has 7-days free trial, so I am trying to do the tutorials with free trials. This post is for myself to remember and review what I learned.

English is not my first language, so I am trying to use easy words for terms, commands, explanations or anything related to the Git. However, those are probably wrong. So, please correct me if anyone knows about the Git.

What is Git? Not the programming language but the system that help people to working the project together smoothly.

Repository: Like a folder that my project saved
Branch: Like a file that is in the repository
Pull request: Pull the data from the repository
Forking: Update
Head: Current location that I am working on
Master: Like a parent category of all the branches
Stage area: to stage file changes for a commit

git init: Initialize the new project
git status: Check the current status of the project
git add filename: Add the file to the staging area
git commit -m “explanation”: Store the work to the repository
git log: Recall the history of the work.
git diff filename: check the difference between the working directory and the staging area.

I am studying these from the web https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-git with seven days free trial, and https://learngitbranching.js.org/ which is totally free to learn.